2025 Spring Ceremonial
Save the Date! May 9th and 10th, 2025
Hotel Grand Pacific
463 Belleville Street, Victoria BC
A super Shrine weekend in Beautiful Victoria, welcoming new Nobles and their Ladies, honouring our veteran Shriners and celebrating our hospitals and clinics.
Illustrious Sirs, Nobles, Candidates, Ladies, Daughters of the Nile, Shrine Sweethearts and Members of the Masonic Family
Friday night: Circus Night! Meet and Greet with fun for all.
Saturday morning: Ceremonial to initiate new Nobles, open to ladies, families and guests
Saturday noon: Ladies Luncheon and Mens Luncheon Saturday afternoon: one-hour informative session on our great Shriners Childrens Hospitals and Clinics.
Saturday interlude —explore Victoria, Tally-Ho horse carriages, numerous attractions within a short walk.
Reception and Zems: 5:00 p.m.
Potentate’s Feast: 6:00 p.m. Fezzing ceremony, Live Entertainment
Watch for the full program to be posted soon.
Hotel Accommodations
Please register early, limited number of rooms available at group rate.
Please reserve your room at the Hotel Grand Pacific
- Phone: 1-800 663-7550
- Reservations Group name: Shriners of BC & Yukon
- Rates for Shriners and guests: $229 night, plus taxes

PHOTO CREDIT: Destinations Greater Victoria