Profile of an Oriental Guide – 2022
Nobles will be called upon to determine who will be chosen Oriental Guide to begin the long move through the Divan to the highest post within the Temple.
When the election of Officers takes place in December, Nobles will be called upon to determine who will be chosen Oriental Guide to begin the long journey through the Divan to the highest post within the Temple.
When the members of the Shrine Temple elect a Noble to the office of Oriental Guide, they are virtually starting that Noble through the Divan line on the assumption that he will prove qualified for any merit advancement to the high office of Illustrious Potentate.
Hence it is quite evident that the nominations for Oriental Guide should be based upon thorough and accurate evaluation of character, ability and interest.
A Noble can be a fellow, hard worker and a loyal Shriner…and yet lack the basic qualification, which make a good Potentate. Unless a Noble is fully qualified for the job, it is unfair both to himself and to this Temple in seeking the office or in permitting his fellow Nobles to support and promote his candidacy.
The normal starting point of Shrine leadership is the office of Oriental Guide. The following checklist may prove helpful in evaluating potential candidates for the Office of Oriental Guide.
However, no thinking man would be so naïve or presumptuous as to believe that any one Noble could possibly embody all of the virtues, talents and qualifications which are set forth in this check list – for eventual evaluation of potential candidates by the voting members.
- Leadership
- Executive ability
- Business sense
- Community standing and influence
- Financially secure
- Energy and vitality
- Free to devote ample time
- Capable of building good public relations
- Good habits and moral character
- Interest in Shrinedom
- Ability to give and cooperation
- Ability to give and get Leadership
So, lets’ be fair, honest and wise in the all-important matter of electing to office only men who are eminently qualified for the job.